Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Been a While...

It's been a while since I've attempted to commit my thoughts to words in a coherent fashion, rather than rapidly scratching out a total stream of consciousness. I'm a visual thinker; my brain thinks in images and dimensions, and then attempts to translate those into words. Very often I fail miserably and end up speaking in metaphors that very few people understand. There is a constant feeling of disconnect between thoughts and words; very rarely do I feel like I'm truly conveying what I think, feel or intend to. Nonetheless, I'm going to give it a shot. I haven't written anything for public view in so long that wasn't polluted with facts, figures, archival sources and general pedantry- not that there's anything wrong with that- but my goal here is to break free from that structure.

I ponder things, from the deeply philosophical to the truly random. That's what I do, who I am and who I've always been. I have kept that primarily to myself for a very long time. Those of you who know me well will probably not be at all surprised by what you eventually read here. Those of you who know me somewhat will probably have an, "ah-HA! I had a feeling..." or "I knew it" moment. Those of you who don't know me well or at all will probably just think I'm weird and misunderstand me more often that not, but that's okay- I'm used to it. Just go back to the first paragraph and reread the part about me feeling like I can never accurately convey what I mean. :))